Convergence Corner: How One Distributor Turned a Sourcing Problem Into a Solution

There will almost always be hiccups in promos. Heidi Weber, marketing executive and owner at GF Advertising in Mitchell, South Dakota, knows this. But, it’s all about how you move on from there to find a solution. What started as a problem, with cardboard for a branded kit out of stock with no delivery date in sight, ended with a promotional campaign that looked even better than she originally envisioned.

Print and Promotional Membership

Print+Promo Marketing: How did you first start selling print and promotional products together, and why was this the right move for your business?

Heidi Weber: GF Advertising is a full advertising agency, so I have always grouped print and promo together. Offering both categories provides a one-stop shop for my client’s branding needs. It also offers a comfort for the client knowing brand standards remain a priority, and a consistent image and message flow throughout the entire project [or] campaign.

PPM: Tell me about a campaign you’ve worked on that blended both print and promotional products.

HW: Project Goal: Informing clients of the new product launch while thanking them for their business. We created a convenient avenue for the client by handling everything needed to complete the project. Custom box, product flyers, branded cap, and packaging was designed, produced, and fulfilled through GF Advertising. The convenience for the client and brand consistency resulted in a successful campaign!

PPM: How did you choose the particular collection of products for this application?

HW: The client provided details on the new product launch and informed GF of what they wanted to be included in the package. This allowed GF to offer product ideas, suggestions on box size, recommendations for fulfillment layout, and time frame details.

PPM: Did you run into any roadblocks working on this campaign? If so, how did you overcome them?

HW: Absolutely! I wouldn’t know any differently. This project occurred during the heart of supply chain shortages. Of all things, the quoted cardboard to produce the custom boxes was out of stock with no ETA. Research, creative minds, and a willing client that trusted GF resulted in a final product of higher quality and perceived value than the original option.

PPM: What advice would you give distributors looking to work on a similar project?

HW: The added service is an additional piece of building client relationships. When you can offer more services, the client relationship builds stronger and often creates an ease of doing business. Building relationships and ease of doing business creates an environment that makes the client want to continue doing business with you. Why would they want to go anywhere else? PPM: Is there anything else you’d like to add that I haven’t asked about? HW: Don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone. Learning to sell print and promo together can create a success for both you and your client. What’s better than you and your client growing business together?

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